Since the Mountain Grandparents have been working extra hard these past couple weeks, I thought it'd be nice to give them a day off and Lily could join Mommy at the high school! Our morning started bright and early, 7:00. Luckily, thanks to the CSAP schedule, I didn't have students until after lunch. Lily explored the school and then colored and watched Melmo while Mommy completed paperwork. We enjoyed lunch with my co-workers and 6th hour brought students into my classroom. My female students were so excited that Lily had come to visit, but even to boys showed some excitement. 7th hour is my free period, we had a couple visiting students who spend their free period in my room on a daily basis. They helped Lily draw on the white board and danced to Lady Gaga with her. The end of 7th brought a school assymbly, as our POMS squad won 1st in nationals! Lily really enjoyed all the clapping and especially the dancing! By this time Lily was super tired, so we went back to my room where she took a nap until it was time to go home! I really enjoyed having my baby girl at work...but man she's a handful!