Mommy Mindy

Mommy Mindy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

17 Week Appointment and Due Date Clairfication

Well, I went in for my 17 wk appointment yesterday, I showed up 30 minutes early to find out I was a day late! This sent me into a frenzy, so I dashed up to OB floor and luckily Dr. Moore was in and had a cancellation! Yay! They did all the normal stuff, weight (gained 7 lbs total so far), blood pressure (in the normal ranges) and temperature. I was really anxious to see Dr. Moore and ask her why I haven't been feeling this baby yet! I was feeling Lily at 14 wks, so I've been really paranoid!

Luckily, Dr. Moore was able to find the heartbeat relatively easily, except the baby kept moving around! The heartbeat was strong and in the 150's! Dr. Moore explained that I probably had an anterior placenta, meaning the placenta is between my belly and the baby, and that's why it's more difficult for me to feel this baby. She said I should begin feeling the baby soon when the kicks become more vigorous! I can't wait!!!

I was sent downstairs to the lab for a preeclampsia work-up and AFP testing to determine the baby's health. I'm praying for healthy, normal results from that test, and will hear the results at my perinatologist visit on 3/22 at 4:00! I'm so stoked for that visit, that's when we'll find out the sex of our lil' baby! Oh, and I was sent home with a 24 hr urine collection kit to collect baseline labs in case preeclampsia rears it's ugly head again! Hopefully it won't, I'm staying positive and thinking I'm going to have a nice, healthy and happy 9 months!!! :)

Oh, last thing, I thought my due date was 8/14/10 based on the 8 wk ultrasound, the doc clarified that it's actually based on my LMP, which makes my official due date 8/9/10! Pretty sweet date!!!