Mike and I went for my 20 week ultrasound with my Perinatologist yesterday! He's an amazing doctor who really know his stuff, and he's funny, which is always a plus, especially if you're dealing with us! :) I provided him with my hospital records from my stay when I delivered Lily and we discussed the care that I'll be receiving this time around. I'll start seeing my OB every two weeks at 28 weeks and I'll see the perinatologist again at 32 weeks to check on the growth of the baby. Right now the baby is growing a week behind, 19 weeks instead of 20. I'm going to begin a baby asprin regiment to reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia again, but it's not a guarentee, so I'm trying to stay vigilant. He also advised me to start taking my blood pressure at home, which I already have, and he seemed impressed with the amount of knowledge I have on the topics of HELLP and preeclampsia. It's really been my way of coping with the experience.
On to the best part, the ultrasound! This was my 20 week anatomy scan, so he measured the baby's head, abdomen, and femur to determine it's size, he checked to make sure there were two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet! Check! And finally, we asked if we'd be able to determine the gender! Well, little baby duece had it's legs crossed and was in the breech position, which made it nearly impossible to determine the sex! Grrrrr! Initially, he said, "If I have to lean one way, I'd say girl, but that's only 70%!" Oh no, that didn't slide, I can't have only 70%, I need 100% dang it!!! I told him I'd stand on my head if I had too, but the more he looked the more he was convinced that this baby is also a girl!!! Mike and I are estatic that Lily will have a baby sister!!! The pics above are pretty ghetto, especially because I took them with my cell phone and there's a mean glare coming of the u/s paper (super glossy)! But, come Saturday, I'll have some AMAZING 3D ultrasound pictures to share...as I need a 100% confirmation that this baby is really a girl so we can plan accordingly!
Yay for baby girls!!! :)