Saturday, May 21, 2011
Social-Networking Addiction, Not Just for Adults!
Hello, my name is Mindy and I'm a social-networking addict. In fact my blog post is being typed with my thumbs via my Droid between facebook updates! But I'm not the only person in my family who suffers from this condition -- my husband is overtly addicted and our two-year-old daughter, Lily, is already showing signs. Today she grabbed my phone and said, "Mom, I on facebook." Before requesting the Gummybear Song and funny kitty montages courtesy of the YouTube app. Even Baby Tatum wants in on the action, drooling on my Droid whenever given the opportunity. A family of 'tech-junkies', as my hubby would describe us, the only known treatment is an updated facebook status until someday we find a cure! ;p