Mommy Mindy

Mommy Mindy

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Weekend!

This weekend was full of fun, nephews, class (Lesson-Study through RMMSMSP), dinner with our neighbors, cleaning (which never ends) and of course, the Superbowl!
For those of you who don't know, we watch my nephews on Tuesday & Thursday nights, as well as Saturdays....Nikki watches Lily Mon., Wed. & Friday's for it's a great reciprocal situation! Anywho, we had the boys Saturday morning, but one went to a b-day party and the other with the Mountain Grandparents, so Mike and I had the night off! :) We were invited over to our neighbors Megan & Paul's house for dinner. They have a 13 month old daughter, Hayden, which Lily has only met once. We had a great time, they're a really great couple, and the girls got along fantastically! I was a bit nervous because Lily's been known to be a bit of a bruiser....but they played nicely & there weren't any casualties! We look forward to spending more time with this family!
Sunday was full of cleaning (for me) & cooking (for Mike). Oh, and we went grocery was insane at King Soopers! Anyway, the majority of my day was spent cleaning everything from the fridge (which has been just gross & I couldn't take it anymore), to laundry, sweeping, mopping, & vaccuming. I feel like I accomplished a LOT....mostly because the past 13 weeks have been rough on my pregger ass who just sleeps...or relaxes...the weekends away! Mikey kept busy cooking ribs, chicken wigs, making dip among many other things!
The game was great, as everyone knows, and although it didn't really matter to me who won or lost...I'm happy for the Saints! :) But sad for Hank & Kendra.....oh I love E! We enjoyed the company of Randy & Cheryl, as well as, Brittany, Cory & Baby Jack! :)