On August 6th, 2010, Tatum Nicole Aucone was born at 9:58 am. She weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 20 inches long. My pregnancy was much different from my first, no complications whatsoever and we made it to the scheduled c-section date. Those last four weeks were fun to experience, my belly grew soooo much. The morning of the c-section, Tatum O'Neill made headlines for her reconciliation with her father. Mike and I thought this was a sign that this was the day Tatum was meant to join our family.
We arrived at Exempla Good Samaritan Hospital at 7:00 am to prepare for the c-section. The nurses started the IV and doctors began coming in to introduce themselves, I was thrilled to learn my anesthesiologist would be the same one that I had during Lily's birth! This eased my fears going into the surgery.
Because I had the same anesthesiologist, Mike was able to be present throughout the preparation process, including when I had my spinal block. Everything went smoothly and before I knew it they were delivering our precious baby girl. As mentioned above, Tatum Nicole was born at 9:58 on August 6, 2010 weighing in at 7lbs 3oz and 20inches long. She was born with brown hair and dark blue eyes. She spent the majority of her first days of life sleeping. My fear of having another child was that I could not love another as much as I love Lily, but the second Tatum was born, my fears were washed away. I love Tatum just as much as I love Lily, unconditionally with all of my heart! We are so blessed to have her to complete our family.
Part of me is sad knowing that we are done having children, but the other part of me feels complete and so happy to be blessed with two beautiful and healthy girls. Adjusting to life as a parent of two is difficult, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Lily is loving being a big sister, and Tatum is now a few months old and smiles when she sees her sister. It's a special relationship blossoming and I hope they become best friends. Sorry if this post is a bit corny, but it comes from the heart.